Telepresence robot

Telepresence robot
11 February 2022
For children who cannot attend school in person due to serious illness, a robot stand-in could be the answer to having a presence from afar. This lighthearted illustration shows important features that such a device would need to have to be successful. While a couple examples of such devices do currently exist, the challenge with this illustration was to imagine a hypothetical one that combined the best features of each plus more. The background hints at a young kids’ classroom environment and we see a student calling in from the screen. In an inset, we see that student at home and get a glimpse at the telepresence robot’s view of a teacher giving a lesson. Seeing both of these perspectives makes clear the benefit of a robot avatar and how the child can participate remotely. Legos both on the floor of the classroom and desk of the student at home illustrate the connectedness this system aims for. Bright colors and sketchy lines reflect the childlike subject matter.
Made with Fresco, Cinema 4D, Illustrator